『shuffleyamamba』(2019 Izushi Eirakukan) ©igaki photo studio
Toyooka Art Season 2021
Kinosaki International Arts Center
Yasuko Yokoshi with Gelsey Bell "shuffleyamamba:YAMAMBA AS A BEAR" Open Rehearsal
This will be an open rehearsal of "yamamba" dance performance by choreographer/stage director Yasuko Yokoshi and NY based experimental musician Gelsey Bell. It is the continuation of the first performance "shuffleyamamba" at Izushi Eirakukan.

『shuffleyamamba』(2019 Izushi Eirakukan) ©igaki photo studio
2021.11.28 Sun.(scheduled)
Kinosaki International Arts Center
1062 Yushima, Kinosaki-cho, Toyooka City, Hyogo